Selena Travel

Selena Travel is ready for the European Market

Posted by Selena Travel / 03 10, 2025

Selena Travel is ready for the European Market and having good opportunity to enter it. Our company is chosen by one of the 19 tour operators from all Mongolian tour operators as a participant in the ECP (Export Coaching Program) for tourism. Finding the right partners and getting in touch with them is not easy.

Furthermore, the European market is complex and fragmented. Determining which geographical market and which market segment to target is not an easy job either. So now Selena Travel has taken the opportunity to resolve these issues by CBI ECP. Also we will receive extensive information about each market and trade fair participations, one-to-one meetings with buyers. CBI ECP will help our company to achieve our company's needs and wishes. We are looking forward to serving for our customers and partners from Europe. 

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