Selena Travel

Does good weather help Genghis Khan to conquer half of the world?

Posted by Selena Travel / 03 10, 2025

The academics, from Columbia University in New York had done some research and analyzed the trees in the Khangai Mountains of Mongolia and revealed that Central Mongolia saw one of the wettest and warmest periods for 1000 years - between 1211 – 1225 – the exact time of the Great Mongol empire rise of Genghis Khan. 

“He was one of the most feared warriors in history, waging bloody war across Asia and Europe. But Genghis Khan’s 13th-century rampage may have never happened had it not been for a spell of good weather. The leader of the Mongol armies created a vast empire that eventually stretched across China, India, Russia and Eastern Europe. Historians used to think his armies of nomadic horsemen were fleeing the bleak, cold and dry Mongolian plains for warmer regions. But now scientists have discovered that the rise of the Mongol Empire coincided with a 14-year spell of weather that was the warmest and wettest for 1,000 years. The academics, from Columbia University in New York, discovered the weather anomaly by studying the rings of ancient trees. They think the conditions created those needed for a boost in lush growth of grass, which would have fuelled the soldiers' horses and fattened their livestock. The good weather lasted from 1211 to 1225 - the exact period when Genghis Khan and his armies rose to prominence. Amy Hessl, co-author of the study published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, said: ‘The transition from extreme drought to extreme moisture right then strongly suggests that climate played a role in human events.” – According to 10 Mar 2014’s issue of Mail Online.

We’ve got some brief info below about Genghis Khan and the historical related places for today about his childhood, his monument, and the place where he was enthroned etc.  

Genghis Khan imprinted in the memory of the west bears little relation to the Chinggis Khaan revered by Mongolians. For the Mongols, he embodies strength, unity, law and order. He is the young king who united the warring clans.Until the end of the 12th century; the Mongols were little more than a loose confederation of rival clans. A Mongol named Temujinwas born in 1162, as a prince of Kiyat-Borjigin tribe. After many years of hard life after his father's death, at the age of 20, he emerged from a power struggle to become the leader of the Kiyat-Borjigins. Within a few years, he managed to unite most of the Mongol tribes, and in 1189, he was given the honorary name of Chinggis Khaan, meaning ‘universal (or oceanic) king’. No Mongolian leader before or since has held the Mongolians together.

Some information about Genghis Khan: Globally known as Genghis Khan and locally called Chinggis Khaan was a brilliant leader, a great warlord and a change of the world's face. In Mongolia Genghis Khaan is worshipped more than Buddha or Jesus and proclaimed as the Son of Heaven. This Genghis Khan's birth place tour allows you to tour to Genghis Khan's land and travel to the history of Great Mongolian Empire founded by Genghis some 800 years ago.

Genghis Khan's Monument at Gurvan Nuur is famous for that it was erected in 1962 or during the communist time. During the communsit regime Genghis Khaan was seen as a monster, mass killer to the Mongols accoriding to the Soviet policy. The Mongols weren't allowed to say good things.

Herlenii Hodoo Aral is also one of the most important places for Genghis Khaan's life. The only historic document on Genghis Khaan's life and wars "The Secret Histoy of the Mongols" was completed here in 1240. In honour of the event, a stone monument of the Great Khaan was erected here in 1990. 

Khajuu Bulag, a spring near Deluun Boldog, Genghis Khaan is believed to be washed for the first time after his birth.

Oglogchiin Herem is the biggest graveyard ever found from the 13th century. It is said that it was the graveyard of the 13th century Mongolian aristocrats. The graveyard is surrounded by 2-4m high granite wall extending about 10 km.

Rashaan Khad is famous for it’s over 20 ancient inscriptions in Tibetan, Runic, ancient Mongolian etc.; It is a 10m high granite rock on a hill.

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